XFOR has years of experience in close protection for executives. We count celebrities, business owners and high net worth individuals among the clients we have secured against theft, abduction and violence.
These people are assets - to their businesses, to their colleagues, to their families. XFOR Executive Protection keeps those assets safe.
A great Executive Protection officer understands when to be seen, and when to fade into the background. Our extensive officer training is designed with your confidentiality in mind, and the experienced officers deployed on Executive Protection operations have proven their discretion.
Of course, XFOR officers are never passive. They diligently observe, identify the initial signs of a threat, and step into action whenever necessary.
XFOR Executive Protection is the kind of protection you forget is there until the moment you need it.
Whether you are preparing for a special event or need routine protection day-to-day, XFOR can provide a skilled ex-military bodyguard, ready to offer security or first aid in an instant.
To find out more, contact us now.